Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Ms. Rameriez

1. The President always must speak with gravitas on National TV.
2. The smell of Orlando Bloom makes La Tanya gravitate to him.
3. The police didn’t know the gravity of the situation so they attacked the wrong man.
4. Advil is said to alleviate pain and if not you get your money back.
5. The school has to elevate the classes in order to maintain organization.
6. I was in the middle of leavening my speech when I was interrupted by fellow classmates.
7. Students were not acting appropriate and Ms. Ramirez said it was levity.
8. Angie was looking quite gravid.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Memorian to my Past

I always thought he'd be the one, but we could never work it out.
I could always turn to you, which is why I loved you.
I have tried and nothing
So I gave up, and i feel nothing
I have moved on
and have promised my heart to the man that was always there

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Jennifer, Alexis and I at the Dragons basket ball.

Best Friends

My cousin cassie and I are like sisters we grew up together, and she will always be my best friend

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Thursday, May 7, 2009

Between Heaven and Hell

Can you hear me screaming.
Can you here me cry.
Can you see me dying.
Do even notice.
Do you even care .
What do I have to do.
What do I have to say.
I'm reaching and I'm climbing.
So someone came knocking.
But as I tried to open the door, I felt this electric
shock, go through my heart, brain, and spine....
Darkness then light.
Where was I, hell and heaven
then I saw his face
golden, like the golden gates that await you in heaven.
Then he spoke to me and said " La Tanya I have a bigger plan for you in Heaven" Then an angel appers and takes my hand and guides me to freedoom.

Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Love Affairs

Who writes about love. The ones who do don't realize that it's not love their writing about it's the insecurities they have. Who is to say how someone thinks and feels ............ nobody. Personally i don't think teenager have a clue what love is. Love is pain, death, and darkness. Love can make even the happiest people feel dark and melancholy. If you read teenager girls Myspace's what do they mostly consist of.Examples are " He's mine and all mines","Why can't he see that I'm the one for him",and the most famous one " That's my man and all the B****es who want him can't have him". That's not love it's obsession and insecurities.Don't let the fear of losing a boy control your emotions.

Sunday, May 3, 2009


Whoever said that life was a gift was a liar. Life is Hell and the only people who actually enjoy life are ones that communicate with the devil. Life is a test,for God. By looking down at us he judges us and when the day comes we have our day and were stuck in the midest of pergatory. As the souls of Gods creation, wait for their judgement day the reat of us continue our quest in LIFE.

By La Tanya Battle

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My Ambition and Distress

I will never again hear the words from anybody that “You don’t have the mentality to do this”. I feel that many adults have this idea that if surprise them with a masterpiece that I couldn’t possibly do that. To say that I can’t do something is like to tell a child that he can’t be whoever he want s to be when he grows up. It will untimely crush them.
When someone says “I’m proud of you La Tanya” and really means it, it’s the best feeling in the world. On the other hand when someone told me that I couldn’t write on deeper meaning I couldn’t believe my ears. I felt my ambition drop and I knew that I didn’t want to be a writer anymore. It crushed me to know that they had little faith in me. Maybe I thought to myself that I really wasn’t a good writer, maybe it was all just an illusion. The one time that I really try on an essay I get turned down because my teacher thought I was a cheater. I felt alone, I felt dark and as if the curtain had been pulled and it was actually on robes that controlled my actions.

My Ambition and Distress

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Fourth Quarter Goals 2009

This quarter, I will do all my work at home instead of in class. In order to achieve this, I will I do my best not to get distracted at home,and i will not watch t.v while doing my homwork.
This quarter, I will not sit myself around those who will distract me.In order to achieve this,I will ask the teacher to place me somewhere else, and I will work wihtout havving side conversation.
This quarter, I will take all my classes more seriously.In order to achieve this, i will do all my work in class and complete it no matter how hard it may seem,and will get tutoring if Necessary.

Monday, March 2, 2009


“In a global economy where the most valuable skill you can sell is your knowledge, a good education is no longer just a pathway to opportunity – it is a prerequisite.

This quote means that knowledge is something that just comes to you and if you practice it enough its not just something you have to do to be somebody or to get somewhere it becomes you you are. Without knowledge what would we have alot but the next generation would be screwed up and it would be our faults because we didn't believe in knowledge and i think its important that we ready the next generations to come .

Thursday, February 26, 2009

poetry sounds

At first, I thought rhyme was the sound of music, but I learned that rhyme is the repeating of the sound of the stressed vowel and any sounds that follow.
An example of a poem with end rhyme is below
Little about passion

Passion kills,
Passion thrills,
Passion fills,
with a sense of purpose..........

Passion may chill,
Passion makes ill,
Passion is still,
Pain mistaken as passion........
The title is Passion Kills,and the author is Mahfooz Ali.The rhyme scheme is end rhymes.
On my poetry pretest, I was below grade level.
On my posttest, I hope that I will be above grade level.

Monday, February 23, 2009

25 Most Random Things

1.I have been scared of the dark since could remember.
2. I hate people with piercing all over./
3. I hate ketchup.
4.I hate rabbits.
5.I love leopard.
6.I think Hugh Laurie is hot.
7.I love jolly ranchers.
8.I have a boyfriend slash hater.
9. I cry randomly.
10.I cry randomly when i watch radio the movie.
11.I love kids with down syndrome i think there cute.
12.I think about dying a lot.
13.I think what it would be like to be gay.
14. Kassy and I always record ourselves doing stupid things.
15.I like to start fights.
16.I eat when I'm extremely board.
17.I think of comebacks for the future.
18.I hate when people stare.
19.I know i flirt with the wrong guys but i really dont care .
20.I have dreams of elephants  a lot.
21.I love orange chicken.
22.People think that just cause I am black that I love fried chicken but i really dont like it that much.
23.I love Jessica Alba.
24.I dated two brothers .
25. I love my boyfreind but not that much.

25 Most Random Things

Thursday, February 12, 2009

"Imagery and Figurative Language."

At first, I thought imagery was a picture in a poem,but I learned that this was wrong.Actually, imagery is language that appeals to the five senses.
I also learned about figurative language. I used to think figurative language was was different kind of languages, but I learned that figurative language is a word or phrase that describes one thing in terms of another and is not meant to be understood on a literal level.
The three main types of figurative language are, similes,metaphors, and personification.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

The best figurative language game I played tonight is Funbrain paint idoms, because it was a great wayway to learn new idioms. In order to play this game i had to math the idiom to its literal meaning. My final score on this game was 7 correct and 3 incorrect. If you would like to play this game go to http://www.funbrain.com/idioms/index.html.

Another enjoyable figurative language game is Thinkquest, because it teaches you what an idom is and how to classify one.In order to play this game, I had to click on the sentences that were idoms. My final score on this game was an 100 because i got all of them correct.If you would like to play this game go to http://library.thinkquest.org/J0112392/simile.html.

My least favorite figurative language game is kids on the net, because you have a ceratin amount of time to match the words.In order to play this game, you must match the sentencexs with the correct metaphor.My final score on this game was an 100 percent. you want to play this game, go to this link http://www.kidsonthenet.org.uk/dragonsville/metaphor1.htm.

Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Third Quarter Goals 2009

This quarter, I will try my best to get an A in her class.In order to do this i will work hard at my homework and I will work even harder on my tests and essays.

This quarter, I will try my best not to be distracting to others and myself. In order to do this i wil seat myself away from people i might talk to and i will not engage in any other distracting things going on.

This quarter, I will try my best to get a 4.o or 3.5.In order to do this i will be more focused on my work and i will study extra hard.