Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Sonnet 292 Summary and Song

The eyes I spoke of once in words that burn
The arms and hands and feet ad lovely face
That took me from myself for such a space
Of time and marked me out from other men

The waving hair of unmixed gold that shone,
The smile that flashed with the angelic rays
That used to make this earth a paradise,
And now a little dust, all feeling gone;

And yet I live, grief and disdain to me,
Left where the light I cherished never shows,
In fragile bark on the tempestuous sea

Here let my loving song come to a close;
The vein of my accustomed art is dry
And this, my lyre, tuned at last to tears
Sonnet Revised

In the sonnet by Francesco Petrarch he is talking about how the eyes he spoke so fondly of and the body that hypnotized him is gone. He is in grief and is using imagery of her to show his grief. He misses the way she smiled and the color of her. The women he grieves for was so important to him that he feels the earth has stopped.

Song: One less bell to answer/a house is not a home, by Glee cast

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Homework 04/07/10

Paraphrase Sonnet 29

When I find myself thinking how I am poor with no riches

I pout for myself because I have naught what makes a man a man

I pray to heaven but heaven does not hear me

So I hate myself

I silently wish I was one of those rich

Wishing I looked like the man with unmistakable beauty and friends who acknowledge him

I hate myself for thinking these thoughts

But when I think of you and my melancholy drifts away

I then sing to the heavens for your unconditional love

And I would not change that even for the most riches